Dec. 06: Accepted invitation for the panel "Intelligente Software als Schlüssel für die Mobilität der Zukunft" by Digitalk, ITK Engineering GmbH & Bosch Engineering GmbH
Jul. 19: Accepted invitation for the panel "Künstliche Intelligenz in der Verteidigung" by the Militärischen Cyberzentrums des Österreichischen Bundesheers in Vienna, Austria for the 25. Anniversary of the Militärischen Cyberzentrums
Jun. 13: Notification received for article publication "Post Quantum Secure Handover Mechanism for Next Generation Aviation Communication Networks" in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking
Jun. 07: Panel discussion at ILA Stage Advanced Air Mobility on the topic "Safety and Security: How can Drones improve security"
Jan. 24: Publication of the "IT-Grundschutz-Profil für den Betrieb von UAS Band 1: UAS-Betriebskategorie "Open" (Offen)" as joint work of the UAV-Dach e.V. - Group IT Security and Safety
Dec. 01: Job offer Research Assistants (m/w/d) at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Research Institute CODE for "Realization of Innovative Technical New Features and Concepts"
Dec. 01: Project NEWSROOM funded by the EDF funding scheme of the EU starts
Oct. 01: Project NCC-DE funded by the EU DIGITAL starts
Mar. 25: RFC 9372 entitled "L-Band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS)" was published by the IETF
Nov. 22: Homepage online for the 2nd Workshop on Secure and Reliable Communication and Navigation in the Aerospace (SRCNAS) is online!
Oct. 18: Accepted invitation to serve as evaluator for the EU HORIZON Calls on Increasing Cybersecurity (second round of calls)
Jun. 30: Accepted invitation to FG IT-Sicherheit of UAV DACH
Mar. 30: Accepted invitation for the panel "Access denied? Über den erschwerten Zugang zu öffentlichen Geldern für Start-Ups" at the Publicpreneurship Day
Jan. 1: Project AMIUS funded by the Bavarian Aerospace Program starts
Nov. 15: Accepted invitation to serve as evaluator for the EU HORIZON Calls on Increasing Cybersecurity (first round of calls)
Sep. 27: Inaugural Lecture "Risikoerkennung und -minimierung in der vernetzten Welt" (engl. Risk detection and minimization in the connected world), University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Sep. 02: Paper "A Secure Broadcast Service for LDACS with an Application to Secure GBAS" wins both Best of Session Award and Best of Track Award at DASC 2021
Mar. 17: Accepted invitation to serve as mentor of SPACE FOUNDERS (European New Space Accelerator), Neubiberg, Germany
Feb. 19: Acceptance notification of the 1st Workshop on Secure and Reliable Communication and Navigation in the Aerospace (SRCNAS). 6th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, Vienna, Austria, half-day during September 7-11, 2021
Jan. 17: Accepted invitation to serve as Editorial Manager for the Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems
Jan. 06: Received the Venia Legendi in the area of Informatics from the University of Zurich (Switzerland)
Oct. 20: 2 IETF drafts adopted by WG RAW: draft-ietf-raw-ldacs and draft-ietf-raw-technologies
Oct. 15: 2 Book Chapters accepted for "Cybersecurity for Smart Home"
Sep. 07: Paper "Comparing Different Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Flavors for LDACS" wins both Best of Session Award and Best of Track Award at DASC 2020
Aug. 13: New version IETF draft published about L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) available - see draft-maeurer-raw-ldacs-05
Jul. 02: New version IETF draft published about L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) available - see draft-maeurer-raw-ldacs-04
Jun. 03: New version IETF draft published about L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) available - see draft-maeurer-raw-ldacs-03
Apr. 29: Elected as Editorial Board Member for the Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks
Apr. 24: Three papers accepted at DASC 2020 entitled "Dynamic Network Reconfiguration in Safety-Critical Aeronautical Systems", "Security Concept for Unoccupied Aerial Systems", "Comparing Different Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Flavors for LDACS"
Apr. 10: Paper entitled "SDN-based regulated flow routing in MANETs" accepted at SMARTCOMP 2020
Apr. 01: New version IETF draft published about L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) available - see draft-maeurer-raw-ldacs-02
Mar. 06: New version IETF draft published about L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) available - see draft-maeurer-raw-ldacs-01
Jan. 07: Elected as Editorial Board Member for the Journal Future Internet for the areas IoT and Cybersecurity
Nov. 13: CfP for the International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 32) in 2020 published
Nov. 05: New IETF draft published about L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) - see draft-maeurer-raw-ldacs-00
Sep. 12: Best Paper Award in Session Secure Communication at DASC 2019 received for "Evaluation of the LDACS Cybersecurity Implementation"
Jun. 20: Poster entitled "Applying GAN to generate adversarial malware examples" accepted at the Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS) 2019
Jun. 06: Paper entitled "HomeCA: Scalable Secure IoT Network Integration" accepted at INFORMATIK 2019
May 03: Paper entitled "AIMED: Evolving Malware with Genetic Programming to Evade Detection" accepted at IEEE TrustCom 2019
May 03: Invitation accepted to serve as key researcher at SBA Research, Vienna, Austria
Apr. 19: Poster entitled "Training GANs to Generate Adversarial Examples Against Malware Classification" accepted at 40th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
Apr. 11: 1st Place - Best Professional Paper Competition at ICNS for paper "Towards Successful Realization of the LDACS Cybersecurity Architecture: An Updated Datalink Security Threat- and Risk Analysis"
Mar. 22: Abstract entitled "Evaluation of the LDACS Cybersecurity Implementation" accepted for IEEE 38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DACS)
Mar. 20: Paper entitled "Towards Successful Realization of the LDACS Cybersecurity Architecture: An Updated Datalink Security Threat- and Risk Analysis" acceptance at Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference (ICNS)
Mar. 12: Invitation to chair the session "Security and Privacy" at the NetSys 2019
Feb. 28: Invitation to serve as panelist at the "Panel: Developing a cyber resilient business world and society" in the session "Rethink Cyber Security" at the Vienna Cybersecurity Week 2019
Feb. 27: Invitation as speaker at the Vienna Cybersecurity Week 2019 for the sessions "The future of cyber security: research and expectations" and "Cyber Security Practical Implementation"
Dec. 11: Workshop for Global IoT Summit entitled "Business Model Innovation and Sustainability in IoT (BMIS-IoT)" accepted
Aug. 27: Paper entitled "A 4-step Tool-Chain for IoT Business Modell and Sustainability Recommendations" was accepted for IEEE GLOBECOM 2018 Workshops: Business Model Innovation (BMI) and Socio-Economic Impacts in IoT
Jul. 30: Book Chapter Proposal about "WebMaDa 2.1 - A Web-based Framework for Handling User Requests Automatically and Adressing Data Control in Parallel" accepted for the Book entitled "Authentication in IoT"
Jul. 30: Book Chapter Proposal about "Public Key Based Protocols - Elliptic Curve Crypto" accepted for the Book entitled "Authentication in IoT"
Jun. 01: Joining the Universität der Bundeswehr München (Germany) - Research Institute CODE as researcher and laboratory supervisor
May 15: Invited participant for panel discussion on "Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things" at IFIP Networking 2018 together with Bernhard Plattner (ETH), Martina Zitterbart (KIT), Salil Kanhere (University of New South Wales), and Nils Aschenbruck (University of Osnabrück)
Mar. 26: Workshop on "Business Model Innovation (BMI) and Socio-Economic Impacts in IoT" accepted for GLOBECOM and invitation received as keynote speaker during the workshop
Nov. 28: Best Paper Award at APWiMob for paper "Application of an Enhanced V2VUNet in a Complex Three-dimensional Inter-vehicular Communication Scenario"
Nov. 14: RFC 8272 entitled "TinyIPFIX for Smart Meters in Constrained Networks" was published by the IETF
Sep. 21: IETF draft document draft-schmitt-ipfix-tiny-04 has been approved for publication as an RFC
Sep. 20: New IETF Internet Draft version for draft-schmitt-ipfix-tiny-04 published
Jul. 24: New IETF Internet Draft version for draft-schmitt-ipfix-tiny-03 published
Jul. 13: Chairing Session VI - Ph.D. Track: Methods for the Protection of Infrastructure and Services at AIMS 2017, Zurich, Switzerland
May 01: Book chapter on "Two-way Authentication for the Internet-of-Things" published
Apr. 01: Inivited speaker at 5th SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa on "ITU-T Standardization Work on Future Networks: Towards a Better Future for Africa"
Feb. 10: Book chapter on "Efficient and Secure Pull Requests for Emergency Cases Using a Mobile Access Framework" published
Feb. 08: Elected as PostDoc Representative at the Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Jan. 23: Paper "Evaluation of Inter-vehicle Connectivity in Three-dimensional Cases" accepted at Wireless Days 2017
Jan. 04: Invited lecturer at University of Basel (CH) for the lecture "Introduction to Internet and Security" in spring term 2017
Dec. 30: Invited to serve as Steering Committee Member for the 5th ITU Study Group 13 Regional Workshop for Africa 2017
Dec. 02: Invited speaker about "Rising Privacy Issues Due to Today's IoT Development" at the Austrian Institute of technology (AIT) in Vienna, Austria
Nov. 30: New IETF Internet Draft version for draft-schmitt-ipfix-tiny-01 published
Oct. 03: Paper "Pull Support for IoT Applications Using Mobile Access Framework WebMaDa" accepted for WF-IoT 2016
Aug. 01: Paper "Third-party-independent Data Visualization of Sensor Data in CoMaDa" accepted for WiMob 2016
Jul. 01: IoT Consultant for the Cooperative Systems (COSY) Group @ University of Vienna, Austria for the EU project symbIoTe
Jul. 01: Presentation "The Quest for Privacy" at ITU Workshop on Trust
Apr. 14: Invited to serve as Steering Committee Member for ITU Workshop on Trust
Mar. 17: Invited to serve as TPC Member of SenseApp 2016
Feb. 19: Received VIP ticket sponsored by Infineon for the Security Of Things World meeting in Berlin
Feb. 18: Acceptance of the book chapter "Efficient and Secure Pull Requests for Emergency Cases Using a Mobile Access Framework" in Wot-book, entitled "Managing the Web of Things: Linking the Real World to the Web" published by Elsevier and edited by M. Sheng, Y. Qin, L. Yao, and B. Benatallah
Jan. 01: Again invited lecturer on behalf of Prof. Tschudin (in sabbatical) at University of Basel (CH) for the lecture Internet Technologies in spring term 2016
Oct. 18: Acceptance of the book chapter "TinyTO: Two-way Authentication for Constrained Devices in the Internet-of-Things" in Internet-of-Things book, published by Elsevier and edited by R. Buyya and A. V. Dastjerdi
Aug. 14: Invited talk at Colloquium at Department of IT Security, Siemens Corporate Technology, entitled "Security Solutions For WSNs and Mobile Access"
Jun. 30: C.Schmitt, B.Stiller: Two-way Authentication for IoT, IETF Internet Draft, Standards Track, ACE, Version 02, draft-schmitt-ace-twowayauth-for-iot-02
Jun. 19: Invited lecturer on behalf of Prof. Tschudin (in sabbatical) at University of Basel (CH) for the lecture Computer Architecture and Operating Systems in autumn term 2015
Apr. 15: Invited to give Tutorial on Two-way Authentication for Tiny Devices, ITU, Study Group 17: Security, Geneva, Switzerland
Mar. 17: Invited to serve on the TPC of SenseApp 2015
Mar. 10: Presentation of the demonstrator WebMaDa: Web-based Mobile Access and Data Handling Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks at NetSys 2015 in Cottbus, Germany
Dec. 27: C.Schmitt, B.Stiller: Two-way Authentication for IoT, IETF Internet Draft, Standards Track, ACE, Version 01, draft-schmitt-ace-twowayauth-for-iot-01
Nov. 07: Martin Waldburger, Patrick Poullie, Corinna Schmitt, Burkhard Stiller (Eds.): Y.3013: Socio-economic Assessment of Future Networks by Tussle Analysis; in: ITU-T Recommendation, Geneva, Switzerland
Oct. 20: CfP AIMS 2015 including Ph.D. Track published
Aug. 29: ITU-T Recommendation Y.3013 entitled "Socio-economic Assessment of Future Networks by Tussle Analysis" was officially approved as the first Swiss academic recommendation (editorship by CSG)
Aug. 01: CfP for special issue of the IJNM on "Measure, Detect, and Mitigate - Challenges and Trends in Network Security" published
Jun. 30: Invitation for a book chapter in "Securing the Internet of Things through Progressive Threat Detection and Management" by IGI Global.
Oct. 15: CfP for special session on "Privacy, Trust, Regulation, and Legal Issues" at the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Managements Symposium (NOMS) published
Apr. 01: New position as Head of Mobile and Trusted Communication in the Communication System Group (CSG) at the Department of Informatics (IFI) at University of Zurich, Switzerland