Open Topics

BA/MA Theses

Topics of interest within SecureWSN (IoT area)

  • none available at the moment

Topics (BA/MA) in cooperation with external partners:

  • none available at the moment

Topic descriptions are partially online else available on request!

The content of the proposed topics will be adapted to the thesis type and can be shifted a bit based on discussions and interest.

Different ideas exist? Come over and talk!

Competence Trainings (ger. Kompetenztraining; currently only German title announced, English no problem)

  • Aktualisierung von Sicherheitsfeatures in SecureWSN
  • Auslagerung von Bibliotheken in Konfigurationsdateien für WebMaDa
  • Integration eines Updatemechanismus für Messintervalle in SecureWSN nach dem Prinzip der bidiektionaler Kommunikation
  • Qualitätssicherung der Weboberfläche des mobilen Frameworks von SecureWSN
  • Technische Analyse von Kommunikationsstandards

Different ideas exist? Come over and talk!

Running and Advised Theses

@ Research Institute CODE, University of Federal Armed Forces Munich, Munich, Germany

Theses marked with * are supervised at the Ludwig-Maximilian University.

Running Theses/Trainings

  • Analyse der Bluetooth LE Web-API von Tracker-Netzwerken (MA) (*)
  • Analyse und Entwicklung von Betriebsenveloppen für den sicheren Betrieb von Vertiports in Urban Air Mobility Systemen (BA) (*)
  • App Development to display different IDs of an Android Device (BA) (*)
  • Automated Identification of Web Service Binaries in IoT Linux Firmware Samples (BA) (*)
  • Enrichment of BLE device advertisements with location information in Android (BA) (*)
  • Evaluierung von Vertrauenslösungen in digitalen Luftfahrtkommunikationssystemen (MA) (*)
  • Feature Engineering IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Communication Data (BA) (*)
  • Function Fingerprinting in 5G Core Networks (BA) (*)
  • HAIFA 2.0 - Home Automation in RUST (BA)
  • Investigation of the Interplay between Cell Morphology and Migration (BA) (*)
  • Implementing Obfuscations as LLVM Passes for Drop-In Obfuscation of Open-Source Projects (BA) (*)
  • Implementation of an object recognition MEC App (MA) (*)
  • Secure routing in Aeronautical Ad-Hoc Networks (MA) (*)
  • Waiting for you!

Concluded Ph.D. (1. Supervisor)

  • Trustworthy Context-Aware Access Control in IoT Environments Based on the Fog Computing Paradigm

Concluded Master Thesis (parts with industry)

  • Certificateless DTLS in Wireless Sensor Networks (*)
  • Control Plane Security of LDACS
  • Design and Development of an Urban Air Traffic Flow Management Module for Deconfliction (*)
  • Design and Implemetation of a Code-Staging Solution for WebMaDa
  • Implementation and Evaluation of an ETSI compliant MEC System (*)
  • ID-based Signing with Group IKEv2 in Constrained Networks (*)
  • Role/Attribute-based Privilege Management for WebMaDa (*)
  • Quantum Secure Public-Key Encryption in IoT Networks (*)
  • Schwachstellenanalyse Mercedes "Hermes" Head Unit (HU) und Telematic Control Unit (TCU)
  • Single Common Information Service Provider for Constrained Networks (*)

Concluded Bachelor Theses (parts with industry)

  • Aggregation Support in Constrained Networks following TinyIPFIX under RIOT OS (*)
  • Automated Identification of Proprietary Web Service Binaries
  • Automatisierte IT-Security-Tests im Software-Entwicklungsprozess - Einsatz von Schwachstellenscannern (*)
  • Automatisierung des Labelings von IoT-Kommunikationsdatenstr¨omen im maschinellen Lernen (*)
  • Benchmarking für Basisfunktionalitäten in WebMaDa (BA) (*)
  • Capabilities and Limitations of Localization Mechanism in 5G Mobile Networks (*)
  • Code-Documentation of WebMaDa in SecureWSN (*)
  • Comparison of Machine Learning Classification Architectures for IoT Communication Data (*)
  • Controller-based Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (*)
  • Creation of a home automation system linked to SecureWSN (*)
  • Design & Implementation of a Raspberry Pi Gateway for SecureWSN (*)
  • Design and Implementation of a Geospatial IoTNaming System: Database and Web Application
  • Design and Implementation of a Geospatial IoTNaming System: Geographic Polygons
  • DTLS-based Security Solution for Constrained Devices using Contiki (*)
  • DTLS Key Establishment in Wireless Sensor Networks (*)
  • Entwicklung einer automatisierten Schwachstellenanalyse der Automotive Cloud
  • Evaluation des Potenzials hfürherwertiger SIBs (System Information Broadcast) in 5G und 4G Netzen (*)
  • Evaluation of open-source web application vulnerability scanners (*)
  • FBS GUARD - A False Base Station Detection Tool for Modern Cellular Communication Standards (*)
  • Implementation and Analysis of the TOR protocol for Edge Cloud architecture (*)
  • Indoor Localization under RIOT OS (*)
  • Indoor Localization without GPS under RIOT OS (*)
  • MARTEN 2.0 - Dynamic Trust Check (*)
  • Network Ownership Transfer of WSNs Inside a Closed Network
  • Optimization of Processing and Validation of Incoming Sensor Data in an Improved Development Environment (*)
  • Performance Analysis of Standard Lightweight Block Ciphers in Comparison to AES (*)
  • Predicting Movement Paths From Cell Change Events (*)
  • Radio Resource Control: Angriffsklassifikationen und exemplarische Implementierung (*)
  • Raspberry Pi CoMaDa Instance Supporting Different Operating Systems and Features in Parallel (*)
  • Sicherheitskonzept für Fahrzeugarchitekturen mit Fokus auf ein spezifisches Angriffsscenario
  • Standard-based Threat Analysis of WebMaDa (*)
  • TinyIPFIX-based Data Collection in Constrained Networks under RIOT OS (*)
  • Trustworthiness Check for Environmental Measurements in CoMaDa (*)
  • USB Port Hacking in an Automotive Setting
  • Vergleichende Analyse von BLE Tags inkl. Dissektorenentwicklung (*)
  • Visualization of Collector Status with Interaction Triggering in a Dynamic Floor Map (BA) (*)

Concluded Competence Trainings

  • Bidirectional communication in constrained devices
  • Data Filtering Options Extension - Part 1
  • Data Filtering Options Extension - Part 2
  • Dockerimagebildung unter RIOT-OS auf Raspberry Pi - Part 1
  • Dockerimagebildung unter RIOT-OS auf Raspberry Pi - Part 2
  • Einarbeitung in die Python Programmierung unter Linux
  • Qualitätssicherung der Weboberfläche des mobilen Frameworks von SecureWSN
  • Upgrading SecureWSN's Virtual Machine
  • SecureWSN's Virtual Machine Migration

@ Communication Systems Group, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Concluded Bachelor Theses

  • Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks using IPFIX under Contiki
  • Design and Implementation of a Module Framework for Sensor Data Management
  • ECC-based Security Solution for Contiki-based Sensor Networks
  • Handling of Privilege Requests in WebMaDa
  • Security, Privacy, and Transparency Improvements of CoMaDa
  • Secure Data Transmission in Contiki-based Constrained Networks Offering Mututal Authentication
  • several further theses as second advisor

Concluded Master Theses

  • Design and Implementation of a Mobile App to Access and Manage Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Object Tracking Motion Detection System
  • Reliable Beacon Detection
  • Optimization of Two-way Authentication Protocol in Internet of Things
  • Secure Position Data Transmission for Object Tracking using LoRaWAN
  • Secure Pull Request Development for TinyIPFIX in Wireless Sensor Network
  • Security Improvement for Object Tracking in IoT
  • Value-Network-Analysis for IoT Platforms
  • several further theses as second advisor

Concluded Assignments (VA)

  • Classification and Analysis of Security Protocols and Algorithms for Constrained Networks
  • CoMaDa Extension Addressing Transparency Request for Data Owners
  • Database Solution for Sensor Data with Authorized Data Access Solution
  • Design of a DDoS Filtering System for Regional Customers Protection
  • Extending the Graphical User Interface CoMaDa with Contiki Support
  • Guideline for Mapping Security Solutions of Wireless Sensor Networks to Security Fundamentals
  • Modular ADCP Parser
  • Offline Method for Graphical Visualization of Sensor Data
  • Security challenges in contactless payments solutions
  • WebMaDa Extension Addressing Transparency Request for Data Owners

Concluded Software Projects (SP)

  • Development of a Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm as a Software-Defined Networking Application
  • Modeling and Simulating a Green Traffic Engineering tool applied to an SDN environment
  • Optimization of TinyIPFIX Implementation in Contiki and Realtime Visualization of Data
  • Routing for Energy Efficiency in Software-Defined-Network

Concluded Computer Science Internship

  • TinyIPFIX Aggregation in Contiki

@ Chair for Network Architectures and Services, Department of Computer Science, Technische Universität München, Germany

Concluded Bachelor Theses

  • Bidirectional Data Querying with TinyIPFIX
  • Data Aggregation using TinyIPFIX in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Data Collection in a Wireless Sensor Network for Autonomic Home Networking
  • Framework Development for Wireless Sensor Networks facing Configuration and Information Exchange/Export Tasks
  • Kommunikationsstandards in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Leistungsbewertung von Routingprotokollen in drahtlosen Sensornetzen
  • Secure communication in Wireless Sensor Networks

Concluded Master Theses

  • A Security Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks based on DTLS (in Cooperation with CSIRO, Brisbane, Australia)
  • DTLS implementation for constraint sensor hardware
  • Implementierung und Leistungsbewertung von Kommunikationsprotokollen auf Sensorknoten - Thema 2: Routing

Concluded SEPs

  • Network Access Control based on Platform Integrity Measurement
  • Secure Enrollment of Certificates for User Authentication

Concluded Zulassungsarbeit

  • Security Analysis For Very Constrainted Objects